I’m Alicia: an artist, crafter, antique treasure hunter, nature enthusiast, chocolate addict and lover of LOVE! I work from my 1871 antique, home studio in a small town about an hour from Toronto. When I’m not painting, drawing, or working graphic magic on the computer, you can find me either hiking in the forest, scouring an antique market or snuggled up with my love and a cozy blanket. Evenings and weekends are for crafting of any kind (knitting, macramé, etc.), with a cup of tea… and ideally, a brownie! I’m certainly a homebody, and I LOVE my home. I would rather be there than most places, as it is filled with things that bring me joy, inspiration and coziness. Working from my home studio is the BEST! I wouldn’t have it any other way, and I think I was born to be living life like this.
An artist’s workspace is a true extension of their heart and soul, and I firmly believe that!
I always knew I’d be an artist (my mom likes to tell people I drew people with eyelashes when I was three). I have not once considered another path. I’ve never really had a traditional job aside from a summer in high school where I worked in the grocery floral department… actually quite fitting now that I’m looking back. I’m a very self-motivated person and regularly have projects on the go, so starting my own business as an artist was just a natural fit. After graduating from the Sheridan Institute (with an illustration degree) several years ago, I started my business and named it Alicia’s Infinity to encapsulate any artistic endeavor I may want to dabble in! Always being a creative, I had many hobbies and didn’t want to be confined to just one direction. It turned out to be a wise decision, as I have changed my focus a few times now, but got to keep my business name! When I first started off , I was pursuing illustration and making jewellery with vintage elements on the side. I participated in craft markets selling my jewellery for many years before my mom convinced me to try selling prints of my illustrations. I didn’t think they were “frame-worthy,” but they ended up being a hit, so I stopped making jewellery to focus solely on my watercolour artwork.
After my wedding in 2010, I added wedding stationery to my repertoire, and now, this is my main focus. I absolutely LOVE celebrating love, and designing invitations and stationery is the perfect way! It’s such an honour to work with brides and grooms, and I couldn’t be happier with this transition! In addition to this, I now create art prints, cards, pillows, tea towels, recipe cards and other products (featuring my illustrations), as well as, work on custom commissions with individuals and companies— no room for boredom here!
Recently, I have found a new love for plants as well. I never had a green thumb in the past, but something changed, and I have quite a collection growing! Working with a lot of florals and natural inspiration, it is only fitting for me to turn into a crazy plant lady. I have even made some macramé plant hangers, and am now trying my hand at pottery, so my plants are pretty happy!
“Do small things with great love.” – Mother Teresa
I do participate in some in-person markets, but most of my days are spent in my studio, and that’s exactly how I like it! As an artist, I’m either drawing, painting or on the computer, so my days are quite stationary. A few years ago my dad built me a sit/stand desk that can move up and down (before they were mainstream) and being able to keep switching positions is a game-changer. I made a chevron top using paint stir sticks, and it’s where my computer monitors sit now!
My studio inspires me every day and is an incredible place to create art to grow my small business. My studio and home have given me more than I ever expected, and I am grateful to be able to live and work here. I have had the pleasure of working with some amazing clients, including Second Cup Canada, Christy’s Gourmet and Marks & Spencer, all of which happened once I moved to this house.
I truly believe that your space will infuse you with whatever energy it gives off, so it’s important to work in a space that is positive and lights you up.
My husband and I both love antiques, so we’ve had lots of fun collecting and filling our home over the years with finds from markets, yard sales and thrift shops. We have typically bought things that we thought were unique, interesting, visually appealing or just really cool. I now like to “justify” it saying that I can use these treasures as photo props for my product shots—which is both true and wonderful! I have a house full of props to pull from, and it makes photoshoots even more enjoyable. One day, we dream of living in an old, stone farmhouse with enough property to have our own hiking trails, a barn and a river…possibly in Europe! But, we’ll be more than happy here for quite a while!