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Victoire Meneur

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Victoire Meneur is a French independent photographer & stylist. Her inspiration comes from Aubrac, a wild and remote region of France where she grew up. After studying Graphic Design, she worked as an art director for the fashion designer Chantal Thomass and as a set designer and stylist for La Maison My Little Paris in Montmartre. She travels the world to find artists and creators, to find unique designs and capture their work and atmospheres.


Flora Scott Wallace etching a pattern into her clay
Flora Scott Wallace etching form into her clay
Flora Scott Wallace's process of turning flowers into ink
Flora Scott Wallace's foraged inks
Flora Wallace painting birds with foraged inks
Flora Wallace testing colors
Flora Wallace painting at her desk
Flora Wallace's ceramics
Flora Wallace using a mould and pinching the clay to create the form
Some of Flora Wallace's finished ceramic pieces
Flora Wallace in her studio
Flora Wallace holding sculpted clay
Some of Flora Wallace's ink tests
Flora Wallace's ceramic blue whales

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