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Low Jue Ming

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Coming from a design background, Jue Ming is 1/3 of Plus Collaboratives, a design consultancy focused on creating relevant content and storytelling for businesses through integrated design and communication solutions on the premise of user-centered studies. His interest lies in capturing imagery that tells stories through its attention to details through observation and understanding of his subjects while constantly exploring different perspectives to frame them. He believes that photography brings him closer to the human connection and the little wonders of our everyday life.


Noreen Loh Hui Miun
Noreen Loh Hui Miun
Noreen Loh Hui Miun
Noreen Loh Hui Miun Book
Noreen Loh Hui Miun Making Flower
Noreen Loh Hui Miun Marriage Installation
Noreen Loh Hui Miun
Noreen Loh Hui Miun Artwork
Noreen Loh Hui Miun Stick
Noreen Loh Hui Miun Office

Photographer’s Stories