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Lisa Aceves

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Lisa Aceves is a self-taught photographer, and a wife and mother of two, with a passion for capturing the essence of beauty and style. With a background and degrees in fashion and marketing, she brings a unique perspective to every photo shoot.

Lisa takes pride in empowering women through her work, showcasing their strength, grace and entrepreneurship that defines them as the remarkable individuals they are.

With an innate ability to make her subjects feel comfortable in front of the camera, she creates a collaborative and enjoyable atmosphere on set, understanding that personal branding is of the utmost importance.

When Lisa isn’t behind the lens, she enjoys supporting and collaborating with small business owners who are women, celebrating their achievements and contributing to their success through photography and insightful marketing strategies. With an overriding commitment to excellence, she endeavors to bring out and highlight each client’s personal story by focusing on their individual and unique path to reach the success they envision for themselves.


Photographer’s Stories