Toby’s Favorite Spot
Submitted by Kristi Baker
I am Kristi Baker, a self-taught bookbinder and owner of The Nib and Quill, living in the tee tiny town of Brookline, New Hampshire. We adopted our amazing cat, Toby, at the start of Covid. He is a rescue Snowshoe from North Carolina. He quickly claimed my art room as his own and it has been an adventure from there. His favorite lounge area is right in the middle of my drafting table. The table sits in the middle of the room so he can see all the action that’s happening. He loves when I hand-tear my journal pages because I let him play in the ribbon strips. He is basically in the middle of everything that I do in my room. I recently added a betta fish to the room for his enjoyment. He likes to watch Beta Books swim around while he takes his dinner near the piano. Toby is a Southerner like me, so we love to sit and talk the talk all day as we craft away.