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Day 3: Turn Your Art Into Your Business with Miriam Schulman

Welcome to DAY 3 of our Women Create 12 Days of Giveaways! Today, we’ve got a fun bundle from Miriam Schulman (@SchulmanART), artist, author, and founder of The Inspiration Place! For this package, you’ll get: 

⭐A paperback of her new book Artpreneur – “Artpreneur breaks down the 5 fundamentals for building a successful art business, including plans for production, profit, prospecting, promotion, and productivity along with creating a confident mindset.”

⭐Invitations to 4 interactive coaching calls with Miriam

⭐Instant Access to a dozen mindset sessions designed to help you bust through your starving artist mindset blocks and get you thinking like an abundant artist

⭐Copies of our Winter 2022 issue of WHERE and WHAT Women Create

