Day 1: Rug Hooking Bundle from Deanne Fitzpatrick
To kick off the Women Create 12 Days of Giveaways, we’ve got some goodies from Deanne Fitzpatrick (@deannefitzpatrickhookingrugs), an artist and writer living in Nova Scotia, Canada. Her inspiring studio attracts rug hookers and fibre artists from across North America. Here’s what you’ll get:
⭐“County Moon” 6×6 Beginners Rug Hooking Kit
⭐An original Deanne Fitzpatrick hooked Rug – “Mountains Above the River” Framed
⭐10” hoop
⭐“Inspired Rug Hooking” book
⭐Mini Sketch Book featuring Deanne’s work on the cover
⭐A copy of our Fall 2022 issue of WHERE Women Create featuring Deanne Fitzpatrick