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Best Studio Bun

Submitted by Ashlie Blake

My studio assistant greets me every day with a get-up-and-go attitude, never oversteps his workplace boundaries, and doesn’t take up a lot of room. He’s quiet, inquisitive, and brightens the space just by being there. My studio assistant may not be what you would expect … why? Because he is a rabbit. A rabbit you say? Yes! Floppa shares my studio, where his presence brings warm contentment that nurtures my artistic heart and soul. A free range rabbit, not confined to a cage… he nuzzles my feet while I paint; a request for pets, loafs up under my easel for his mid-morning nap, or sits in the windowsill smelling the breeze. When he’s excited, his antics entertain, and when he’s chill all I need is to look at his sweet face to feel a sense of joy. I can’t imagine my studio without him, and I like to think he can’t imagine my studio without me. Every studio needs a furry friend.