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Simple Beauty

B E   I N S P I R E D

It is summer and it is too hot in many parts of the country, flooding in other parts of the country, and there are fires in some parts of the country. With all that is surrounding us it is often easy to forget the beautiful gifts of summer. So for you from the photographers and the stories in our past and future issues I share the gifts of summer …

FLOWERS in all of their artistic presentations.
FLOWERS and the simple beauty they have to give.
FLOWERS and how they inspire.
FLOWERS and what we all create because of them.

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B E   I N S P I R E D

It is summer and it is too hot in many parts of the country, flooding in other parts of the country, and there are fires in some parts of the country. With all that is surrounding us it is often easy to forget the beautiful gifts of summer. So for you from the photographers and the stories in our past and future issues I share the gifts of summer …

FLOWERS in all of their artistic presentations.
FLOWERS and the simple beauty they have to give.
FLOWERS and how they inspire.
FLOWERS and what we all create because of them.

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