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Romeo & Pumpkin … and Jennifer Welch


Hey y’all, it’s me, Romeo. I’m the Scottish Highland bull — aka the handsome dude — that resides at Acre 55 Farm in Michigan, where we like to refer to our weather as “bipolar.” I live with three other Highland cows: my girl Sunshine, her momma, Maisey Moo, and this grumpy gal named Holly Princess. I’m not sure why she got that name because she actually acts like the queen of the pasture and is always trying to eat all the food! Sheesh – girls!

As I mentioned earlier, we live in Michigan where we can’t seem to have a normal week of weather. Sometimes we get sun, rain and snow all in the SAME DAY! All of this crazy weather stresses out my mom, Jennifer Welch. She is a flower farmer and runs the farm with her husband and the love of her life, Mark. I guess that would make him my foster dad, since he looks nothing like my real dad.

The last few months they have been prepping the field for spring planting of many types of flowers on something called a flower farm. I have no idea what that is, but it sounds yummy! Mom and Dad also built this thing called a greenhouse so that they can host events and classes in it. I’m not sure my mom knows her colors, though, because it doesn’t look green to me. There are also 15 chickens that live on the farm. Sometimes they will come and visit me while I’m eating my lunch. It’s nice to hang out with other animals, because sometimes the stinky girls I share the pasture with are way too much!

Speaking of food, Jennifer just brought out hay and I’m hungry!

Welcome to the farm! My name is Pumpkin, and I am the bestest flower assistant ever! I help my mom, Jennifer, make some tough decisions about the farm, like selecting flowers she wants to grow but should/ shouldn’t, classes she wants to teach in her new greenhouse, and also the farm events she wants to host like a mother/daughter flower picking gathering and afternoon tea party.

Mom adopted me from a shelter when I was 3 months old. The same day that someone brought me in, Jennifer came in “just to look.” I overheard that she was brokenhearted because she had to send her best friend, Bandit, to something called the Rainbow Bridge. I don’t know what that is, but it sounds like a beautiful place.

I decided to put a plan into action so I could show her all the love I had to share. It worked! She took me home to “foster” and, happily for me, she became a foster failure and I got to stay. We make a great team!

Working at home with Jennifer is always an adventure. I have to jump in at times to help her focus, to remind her that she has been sitting in MY office chair too long and that she needs to get up and get me some treats for all of my great ideas. She finally had to buy me my own furniture, so that we could work side by side.

Sometimes when I think my mom has been working too long, I squeak my favorite toy over and over so that she can’t focus anymore, and then wait for her to tell me we get to take a much-needed break. We will go on a walk, play tug of war with my rope — or even throw around my favorite soccer ball. Mom says I would make a great goalie!


I have learned from my short time here that there is a lot that goes into running a flower farm. We have to decide what and how much to grow; when to start seeds inside; which flower boxes to plant them in when they are big enough; when to plant them based on the weather; the best days to harvest the pretty flowers; which flower markets to go to, and so much more. My main job is to make sure that Mom stays on track and that Dad stays out of the office so he can’t distract us.

All of this micromanaging sure makes me tired … and I think it’s nap time! See you later!

Hey y’all, it’s me, Romeo. I’m the Scottish Highland bull — aka the handsome dude — that resides at Acre 55 Farm in Michigan, where we like to refer to our weather as “bipolar.” I live with three other Highland cows: my girl Sunshine, her momma, Maisey Moo, and this grumpy gal named Holly Princess. I’m not sure why she got that name because she actually acts like the queen of the pasture and is always trying to eat all the food! Sheesh – girls!

As I mentioned earlier, we live in Michigan where we can’t seem to have a normal week of weather. Sometimes we get sun, rain and snow all in the SAME DAY! All of this crazy weather stresses out my mom, Jennifer Welch. She is a flower farmer and runs the farm with her husband and the love of her life, Mark. I guess that would make him my foster dad, since he looks nothing like my real dad.

The last few months they have been prepping the field for spring planting of many types of flowers on something called a flower farm. I have no idea what that is, but it sounds yummy! Mom and Dad also built this thing called a greenhouse so that they can host events and classes in it. I’m not sure my mom knows her colors, though, because it doesn’t look green to me. There are also 15 chickens that live on the farm. Sometimes they will come and visit me while I’m eating my lunch. It’s nice to hang out with other animals, because sometimes the stinky girls I share the pasture with are way too much!

Speaking of food, Jennifer just brought out hay and I’m hungry!

Welcome to the farm! My name is Pumpkin, and I am the bestest flower assistant ever! I help my mom, Jennifer, make some tough decisions about the farm, like selecting flowers she wants to grow but should/ shouldn’t, classes she wants to teach in her new greenhouse, and also the farm events she wants to host like a mother/daughter flower picking gathering and afternoon tea party.

Mom adopted me from a shelter when I was 3 months old. The same day that someone brought me in, Jennifer came in “just to look.” I overheard that she was brokenhearted because she had to send her best friend, Bandit, to something called the Rainbow Bridge. I don’t know what that is, but it sounds like a beautiful place.

I decided to put a plan into action so I could show her all the love I had to share. It worked! She took me home to “foster” and, happily for me, she became a foster failure and I got to stay. We make a great team!

Working at home with Jennifer is always an adventure. I have to jump in at times to help her focus, to remind her that she has been sitting in MY office chair too long and that she needs to get up and get me some treats for all of my great ideas. She finally had to buy me my own furniture, so that we could work side by side.

Sometimes when I think my mom has been working too long, I squeak my favorite toy over and over so that she can’t focus anymore, and then wait for her to tell me we get to take a much-needed break. We will go on a walk, play tug of war with my rope — or even throw around my favorite soccer ball. Mom says I would make a great goalie!


I have learned from my short time here that there is a lot that goes into running a flower farm. We have to decide what and how much to grow; when to start seeds inside; which flower boxes to plant them in when they are big enough; when to plant them based on the weather; the best days to harvest the pretty flowers; which flower markets to go to, and so much more. My main job is to make sure that Mom stays on track and that Dad stays out of the office so he can’t distract us.

All of this micromanaging sure makes me tired … and I think it’s nap time! See you later!

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