Yes, that is me: The Siamese Chocolate Point Snowshoe Kitty!
I have 4 little white shoes, a white dot at the end of my tail and beautiful blue eyes. My human dad calls me a “Pampered Princess,” but I just like to think I am part of the family and well-loved. I’m a rescue kitty and was a bit shy when I first arrived, subsequently I hid under the bed for 3 days.
Basically, I am my mom’s studio assistant. I sit on her sewing machine to make sure it’s working ok and sleep on her piles of fabric to keep them nice and pressed, as well as rearrange her quilt squares when she needs some help. But I think I am most helpful during her Zoom meetings and when she is filming her Instagram Lives and workshops. Since I am a neutral color palette, I match whatever she is working on.
I help pick out silk ribbons and steal her paint brushes, pens and these little stuffed and tufted yoyo things she is always making. Although I also like to chase spiders and bugs since they are so crunchy and tasty.
I am not a lap kitty unless my folks are not feeling well or a bit stressed. But I am ready to go to the studio every morning after my mom has her coffee. You will find me on my mom’s desk or worktable on top of a precarious pile of fabrics or in the middle of her wool pressing mat.
But I do love being held and hugged like a baby and to look out the windows at the animals in the back yard. They both think I am very clever since I play fetch like a dog. Many cats play fetch but I don’t think they really have to know that, do you?
It has been really nice having my mom home during the pandemic. I know I will miss her when she starts traveling again.