My name is Cooper and I’m the creative force behind the journals my mom makes for Julie Dawn Designs. I am a 3-year-old American and British shorthair mix and have lived with my human family since I was 12 weeks old. I am very special because I came from a litter of one, which I’m told is quite rare.
I have a dog brother named Jasper, who is a whippet. He is 9 and spends most of his time in my mom’s studio, but he sleeps on the job a lot. My mom and Jasper spend a few hours a day in the studio here in Plano, Texas, which is a spare bedroom that has been converted into an art studio. When he is awake, he doesn’t provide much valuable input at all. That’s my job. I come in off and on during the day to keep everything on track and to provide creative input when necessary.
It’s a lot of fun having a mom who is an artist. My mom makes one-of-a-kind, handmade journals. She likes to repurpose old books and turn them into all kinds of journals. She also makes themed journals, like Alice in Wonderland, Peter Rabbit and The Wizard of Oz. Sometimes she even makes journals with cats on the covers. Those are my favorite, of course. She sells her journals at a local craft show two times a year, which unfortunately doesn’t allow cats. She also makes journals for people on commission, but I refuse to ride in the car so I don’t get to go with her when she delivers them.
I’m always at the ready to assist my mom with all of her creative choices. I like to pick out which ribbon she should use, as well as other trim or fabric. I also assist her in choosing which decorative or dyed papers to use. I remind her when she needs to add stitching to her journals as well. But my favorite role is that of supervisor. Unlike Jasper, I can be trusted to keep everything on track and make sure it all runs smoothly.
Between you and me, this can all be somewhat exhausting, so sometimes I have to take a catnap. When I’m not helping create journals, napping or looking out the window at the birds and squirrels in the yard, I might even pose for a group photo.