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Meet Betsy

A L L  O F  Y O U  W H O  K N O W  M E. . .

or have read my magazines know that each issue of WHAT & WHERE WOMEN CREATE is ALL ABOUT YOU!
I say it over and over again … because I want you to know how important you are to me, to the magazines, to each other, and now to our new website.

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A L L  O F  Y O U  W H O  K N O W  M E. . .

or have read my magazines know that each issue of WHAT & WHERE WOMEN CREATE is ALL ABOUT YOU!
I say it over and over again … because I want you to know how important you are to me, to the magazines, to each other, and now to our new website.

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Become a Women Create member to read this full article.

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$9.99/month (billed monthly)
  • Unlimited access to the Women Create website
  • Monthly Maker Moments livestreams, members-only newsletters and more

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Starting at $11.99/month (billed annually)
  • Unlimited access to the Women Create website
  • Print and digital subscriptions of WHAT Women Create magazine, WHERE Women Create magazine, or both
  • Monthly Maker Moments livestreams, members-only newsletters and more