Free Spirit
FreeSpirit Fabrics was established to speak to a community of quilters and makers who look to our brand and family of designers for inspiration. Our brand speaks of creativity and vivacious fun for home decor, quilting, crafting, garment-making and “sew” much more.
FreeSpirit brings together a global portfolio of leading designers. The fabrics are as diverse and expressive as the artists themselves — perfect for those seeking inspiration. We strive to push the envelope of fabric design … everything starts with design.
Kaffe Fassett, Tula Pink, Anna Maria Horner, Tim Holtz, Jane Sassaman, Valori Wells, the original Morris & Co., Brandon Mably, Philip Jacobs … our designers, to name a few, are true artists and purveyors of color and design. We work diligently and intentionally to ensure our fabrics are polished and excellent in both quality and design. Our products are a colorful, vibrant and engaging visual language rooted in a unique sense of creative craftsmanship and community spirit.
From an insider’s view, the FreeSpirit team is cohesive and driven. Watching the FreeSpirit team create resembles a symphony … consistent meticulosity for the quality of the product, care for the customer and makers, and respect for each other. It is truly a creativeenvironment where innovative and skilled minds converge to produce exceptional and imaginable fabrics.
Our vision is to welcome the world to dazzling surprises: a fire for your mind and a feast for the eyes, a woven explosion of color and shade, creatively bursting with dreams to be made. FreeSpirit offers makers innovative fabrics to inspire, encourage and spark creativity. Our brand and unique aesthetic are a niche in the fabric marketplace; the fabric brings an element of beauty that is colorful, vivacious, creative and spirited … providing makers with a sense of “the spirit to create”… This is FreeSpirit.
INSTAGRAM: FreeSpiritFabrics
FACEBOOK: FreeSpiritFabrics