Hi everyone, my name is Kashie.
My mommy, Kecia Deveney, is an artist, so I spend a lot of time with her while she is in her studio. She works a lot creating art, and I am very proud of her. I call myself her “support studio assistant,” and I am always checking on her to see how she is doing. Sometimes I sit in her lap when she is working, but I get squirmy and like to fidget about (a few times I’ve heard her mention how “challenging” that is … whatever that means).
If I am not sitting in her lap, I like to lay under her worktable in my special bed. I can still see her — and she can still see me. One of my other jobs, besides being super cute, is to lead the way when Tucker comes into the studio. Tucker is my mommy’s son, and he is in a wheelchair. I like to make sure everything is all clear and announce his arrival. It’s like a fun parade.
When the weather is nice, Mom takes her art outside. She recently put up a really cool tent to work in (well, I helped too). I love being inside it. One of my main jobs outside is to patrol the backyard. I inspect every inch of it, with my nose to the ground smelling everything. I have to make sure it is safe: I’ve chased out deer, a fox, groundhogs, bunnies and squirrels. I know Mom thinks I’m dawdling, but I’m really out there laboring away.
I’m very strict about my bedtime.
When I want to go to bed, I want to go to bed, and that means Mom must stop everything and come with me. I start doing what I call my “drive bys” to assess the potential of her finishing for the night. I continue coming in and out of the studio and stare at her till she gets the hint. Then we make a big deal about going upstairs to the “big bed.” Mom and I get super cozy, and I always have to be right up against her. It’s not long before she kisses me goodnight, and I’m fast asleep.